Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Name: Whitney Game: Blogging?

My first blog post. wow. I never thought I would see the day! but it seemed like my life was getting really boring and i needed a hobby. So this is my solution! Before I write more I think you should know a few things about me..
  1. I will go to any party/young women's activity as long as there is food.
  2. I can get really annoying at times! but whatever.
  3. I'm really Hannah Montana.
  4. My middle name is bored.
  5. I am about the most sensitive person you will ever meet, and I hate it!! I cry when i'm mad. I cry when i'm sad. It just never ends.
  6. I swear i'm a vampire. I will be tired most of the day and just sleep, but when the night comes I can stay up as long as I want!
Pet Peeves
  1. Drugs. are. retarded. enough said.
  2. Loud sounds!
  3. Snow. hate it.
  4. Junk. I can't handle things without a use! I just throw it in the trash, where it belongs.
  5. Liars. Never liked them, never will.
  6. It drives me crazy when the shower curtain is open! Really, how hard is it to take 2 seconds out of your life and close it? come on people.
  7. LOL. I HATE that saying!! it's the worst texting lingo ever made up. (sorry to those who say lol, it just bugs me.)

Well i think that's about all you need to know!

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